Fri, May 31


Show: 7:00 pm
Ages 18 and Up
YellaCatt is an electropop songstress from the shores of the Salish Sea. She grew up in the
forests of the Pacific Northwest, and maintains a deep connection to nature while also keeping
her finger on the pulse of current culture and art. She co-writes galactic, sexy and infectious pop
tracks with LA producer Jonny Joon, focusing on self exploration and self empowerment.
YellaCatt is a vocalist, a sound healer, and a visual artist who also creates the extravagant Plumed Serpent headpieces. Visual art is a large component of her brand, as is reflected in her visually stimulating, fashion rich music videos. After releasing her first single in late 2019, she has continued to release a stream of catchy singles and EP's, garnering the attention of the media and fans. She has been featured in Flaunt Magazine, The Knockturnal, LA Weekly, La
Palme, Mr. Warburton, and the LA Inquisitor. YellaCatt currently lives in Seattle, Washington.