Tue, Nov 26
Cheap Perfume
Keep Flying • inTheTeeTh • Summer Stars
Show: 8:00 pm
Doors: 7:00 pm
Cheap Perfume
Cheap Perfume is a feminist punk rock band that formed in 2015 in Colorado. They’re fun. They’re angry. They’re dirty, foul-mouthed and unapologetic.
Through lyrics written by singers “Jane No” and Stephanie Byrne, Cheap Perfume explore topics of equality, sex, relationships, violence and politics. Stephanie’s shout-singing and aggressive stage presence drive live performances that excite and empower audiences. While playing her loud, fuzzy electric guitar, Jane sings catchy melodies that complement Stephanie’s sass talk. David “Hot Dave” Grimm’s heavy drumming and Geoff Brent’s powerful bass lines deliver straight-up punk rock that’s influenced by riot grrrl, pop and metal.
The band released their first full-length album, “Nailed It,” in November 2016. The satirical song “Dogs Against Dog Hollerin’” explores what it would be like if women talked to men the way men talked to women. “Trump Roast” skewers a recent political disaster. And “Slut Game Strong” celebrates a woman’s freedom to be promiscuous despite the double standard. (The girls tried to write a sweet love song once but gave up quickly.)
Cheap Perfume play around Denver and Colorado Springs, where they love to see crowds having just as much fun as they’re having onstage drinking champagne and flirting with one another.
Keep Flying
Summer Stars